Use the form below to provide information on merchant prospects directly to your FiNet relationship manager, who will make contact within one business day.
for 2024
vs. Nov 2024
behind pace from 2023
vs. 4.3 (monthly avg: 2013-2024)
since 2020
Current Year: 2024Â Â Â Last Year: 2023Â Â Â Year C: 2022Â Â Â Year B: 2021Â Â Â Year A: 2020
throughout life of program
yearly avg: 56.6 (2013-2024)
since 2020
The folders below provide various ready-made assets: custom-branded marketing materials for FiNet products and services, educational pieces and sales resources. All are available for your download, printing or electronic usage.
You’ll also find several templates that can be branded and provided electronically by contacting your FiNet representative. Additionally, we’ve included product images and assorted media for partners who create their marketing collateral in-house.
This section will be continuously updated, so check back often.
If documents do not appear above, completely close the browser and then reopen it to clear the cache.
You are currently utilizing our customized webpage to promote your merchant services program. We keep the page up-to-date with new products and have provided a link to your web developer so your customers can easily navigate from your website.
Your page’s direct link is:
A representative from your organization has given approval for the artwork, colors, and contact information. However, modifications can be made by getting in touch with your Business Development representative. You can also submit updated information via the link in the Artwork Submission section below.
It is important to us that we provide marketing resources that accurately and positively represent your brand. To ensure we have the highest quality artwork and the proper color and contact information, we strongly encourage a marketing representative within your organization to complete our marketing submission form, especially if you are a new partner or have recently made changes to any of your branding or program contacts.